Do You Have A Construction Project We Can Help With?

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When you’re thinking about building your new home, it’s really never too early to get the advice of a reputable builder. So, before you buy a plot or engage the services of an architect, why not talk to us?  We’ll give you straightforward advice about what’s possible before you even begin, with no commitment to place your project with us unless you choose to. Talking to us at an early stage will help you move forward confidently with a clear idea of the likely budget you’ll need. If you decide you would like to work with us, we can then help you appoint the designers that are a good fit for your project and be there for you throughout every stage of your project until we hand you the keys!

Curated Construction

Serving both commercial, industrial and domestic customers throughout Moray, Highlands and Aberdeenshire

Call us today on: 01343 542104 

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Visit us:
George Innes
6 Diagonal Road
Pinefield Industrial Estate
Elgin, Moray
IV30 6AH

Curate:[noun kyoor-it; verb kyoo-reyt]
To take charge of or organise.