Do You Have A Construction Project We Can Help With?
Working hard for you every day
At George Innes, it’s all about teamwork. Our tradesmen are all professional, dedicated craftsmen looking forward to working on your project. Our team have a wide range of experience and say they love that every day at George Innes is different. The variety we can offer them as an employer means that they come to work ready to do their best for you every day and take pride in a good job well done.
Our customers always comment on how polite and courteous our team have been when working on their project, and we are very proud of that.
Curated Construction
Serving both commercial, industrial and domestic customers throughout Moray, Highlands and Aberdeenshire
Call us today on: 01343 542104
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Visit us:
George Innes
6 Diagonal Road
Pinefield Industrial Estate
Elgin, Moray
IV30 6AH
Curate:[noun kyoor-it; verb kyoo-reyt]
To take charge of or organise.